Home Teaching Tips 7 Strategies for Classroom Management in Physical Education

7 Strategies for Classroom Management in Physical Education

by admin

Most elementary students have physical education one time per week for 30 minutes. You will have those students 36 weeks during the year. That equates to 18 hours of PE throughout the year. When you factor in fire drills, classroom homework completion, science fairs, unannounced picture days, appointments, family vacations, and sick days, that number dwindles quickly. Protect your instructional time with effective classroom management.

Below are 7 ways to enhance your classroom management to get the most out of your time with students:

1. Start with an Instant Activity

Students generally come with the expectation of participating in an activity. Spending ten minutes talking about what they will do in class does not benefit your students.

Give students instant activities to perform once they show up at the door. If you observe tired students, that is a fantastic time to stop, give them additional instructions, and increase/decrease the activity level. Stretching (after the warm-up) is also a great time for instruction.

2. Establish a Classroom Organization Structure

  • Organize squads; 5-6 students per squad.
  • Designate a squad leader (change often to ensure equal leading opportunities)
  • Practice entering and exiting the activity area properly.
  • Emphasize spatial awareness and establish personal space.
  • Establish rules for handling equipment, whether dispersing or collecting.

Other Teaching Formations and Tips:

  • Lines: The students line up, facing the teacher, in vertical or horizontal lines standing at least an arms-length apart to avoid being in their neighbor’s personal space.
  • Scatter: The students stand anywhere within the floor’s perimeter, making sure they are not in anyone else’s personal space. Everyone is facing the teacher.
  • Semi-circle: The students sit or stand in a semi-circle in front of the instructor. No students are behind the teacher, where they would be unseen. If you are outside, the teacher should face the sun, not the students.
  • Groups: The students sit or stand in small groups to receive instructions. Everyone should be facing the teacher.
  • Circle: The students stand or sit in a circle. A circle is not as advantageous because the teacher is not able to face everyone.

3. Use Starting and Stopping Signals:

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Establishing a start a stop signal is important. Practice these signals until they know them well. Take as much time as necessary.

  • Raised hand:  When the teacher raises their hand, all students raise their hands. All activities are paused.
  • Whistle: Use to stop an activity; freeze, hands-on knees at look at me.
  • Voice command: To start an activity say, “When I say go.”
  • Music: When the music begins, the students start; when the music stops, all movement stops.

4. Ensure Class Rules are Clear, Concise, and VISIBLE

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Teach-nique Rules of the Gym Banners

Have students help create rules and expectations. Tie-in leads to buy-in. Chances are they’ll create the same things that you’d like to see. Take a partial or an entire class period to revise if needed. Here are a few class rules to help you get started:

  1. Keep hands, feet, mouth, and objects to yourself.
  2. Everyone gets to participate.
  3. When you hear the whistle freeze, hands on knees, and find me.
  4. Follow all instructions the first time.
  5. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.

5. Be Consistent with Discipline

Explain discipline and procedures to the entire class and be consistent. Most of the time we shouldn’t punish an entire class. Those on-task should be allowed to play and participate. Give warnings individually and discreetly.

My warning system:

  • 1st improper action is a warning.
  • 2nd improper action results in a timeout to a pre-determined area. The student determines how long their timeout should be and is allowed back into the activity when they can come back and participate within the boundaries of the rules and procedures. We cannot tell when a student is ready; only they can. It is essential to teach them what this looks and feels like.
  • A 3rd warning will result in removal from the day’s activity. You could send them to a designated area where they can write an apology letter, calm down, or think about what they could have done differently.

6. Refocus the Entire Class with a Power Minute:

The Power Minutes should be used if the entire class needs to refocus. All students sit quietly on the floor. Insist on no talking whatsoever. Time them for one minute with no movement, no talking, sounds, or giggles, etc. Start the power minute over if this occurs. Tell them that they each have control over their actions, and they need time to refocus on those abilities. This power minute may last more than one minute if they want to test your boundaries.

7. Praise Students and Recognize Good Behavior

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Praise students more often than not. Love your students. Be a friendly adult, not an adult friend.

Recognize good behavior by offering rewards, praise, emails, phone calls, class activity parties, student choice days.

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